Hear any good jokes lately?
Me neither.
Unless you want to count Nikki Haley's farewell lovefest, where she promised to campaign for "this guy" and waxed poetic about Jared Kushner's "hidden genius" (good Lord, I hope we've seen the last of her, but I'm not optimistic). And possibly Trump's call for decorum was funny, or would be funny if it weren't so freakishly bizarre coming from the calumnious mouth of President Surly.
Actually, it was pretty funny. So maybe it's me.
It is becoming increasingly difficult for me to find the silver linings of humor amongst the clouds in Trump's brain. Likewise for the bottom-feeders who encourage him. His supporters are funny only when you turn off the sound and look at what they're wearing. And the only thing funny about Jeff Sessions (besides his ears) was Kate McKinnon.
I have Trump Fatigue. With any luck, it's contagious.
So I'm winding this down. I don't want to degenerate into just another sour, angry voice. And I have confidence in our newly elected Democrats in Congress. This is NOT to say, however, that I won't be back if Kellyanne Conway's husband runs off with Sarah Sanders. Or, better yet, Mike Pence.
I'll leave you with two things.
First, I have the perfect solution to Russian influence in our elections. Get off of Facebook. And Twitter. And whatnot. Now. No excuses. Easy, right? And remember, the Internet is for one thing: shopping.
And secondly, this shocker from a biography of the Trump family which my husband gave me to read for research purposes (and which, thank God, I no longer need):
Eric is the smart one.
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